10/9/24: New chapter begins: Riana's holistic health insights

Mind, Body, and Spirit: a health coach's journey

In partnership with

Happy Wednesday my friend,

Today’s my 1-month anniversary of being married to my incredible Riana (eloped 9/9/24), so I’ve got something a little different for you…

Riana’s been diligently studying to be a Holistic Health Coach, and I’ve watched how rapidly the IIN training has inspired her to make changes for her own health and wellness in our household.

So…I asked her to share what’s stood out in these first few weeks of classes. Without further ado, here’s what Riana had to say!

[But first – a wedding photo! ❤️]


Credit: Megan Fetters


As you know, I’ve been embarking on a new chapter as a student again inside the world’s largest (and leading) online health coaching and nutrition school: the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

As an Earth Conscious Life reader, I know you embrace learning about all things health-conscious as much as I do…so Rob has asked me to share my earliest insights on my path to becoming a Certified Health Coach.

My 5 favorite things I’m learning inside IIN (after completing just a few weeks of classes):

1. Emotional, mental, and spiritual health is just as important as physical health. Did you know there are 12+ areas of our lives that require attention and balance in order for us to heal and thrive? As IIN teaches, these are: Joy, Social Life, Relationships, Home Environment, Home Cooking, Physical Activity, Health, Education, Career, Finances, Creativity, and Spirituality. When ANY of these are out of balance or lacking, we are not set up for optimal function to thrive.

TIP: A great exercise is to jot down each category, and next to it write your personal rating (1 being very unsatisfied, 10 being perfectly pleased) for each area of your life right now. When you’re done, you’ll clearly see what is calling you to immediately focus on for the biggest return on your attention.

2. Through videos and compelling worksheets, I’ve learned a specific breathing technique to teach myself (and my clients!) to help with restlessness, go back to sleep during the night, and to calm any anxieties. Breathwork is a huge part of somatic wellness, and I’m grateful to be learning techniques from expert practitioners, like Dr. Andrew Weil.

3. IIN is is totally remote, and mostly at my own pace with flexible test periods along the way. I love this, because the video lessons are digestible, replayable, captioned, and easy to play on any device, from anywhere! (Just for fun, I completed lessons from the bathtub the other night, with my iPad propped up! Is that a relaxing way to learn new skills, or what?!)

4. The concepts of bio-individuality, holistic nourishment, eating the rainbow, and the science of sleep are keeping my brain fixated on bettering myself holistically throughout each day, and how I’ll be able to best serve clients in the future. As they say: Where your attention goes, energy flows! Within the first few days of classes, I’ve already found myself making smarter choices and putting into practice what I know. Though I started this with the intent of helping others, my own lifestyle upgrades are a welcome surprise I didn’t expect in such a short time.

5. One of the best parts is the community. I’m part of my IIN cohort’s private Facebook group, and I’ve digitally connected with people who are going through the exact same modules I am. Learning together with likeminded people is a powerful way to ‘mastermind’ an exponential increase in your potential, while also providing accountability. I’m impressed by how kind, creative, smart, and gracious everyone is, and a community makes all the difference when it comes to an online course.

If you’ve ever wondered about health coaching, or want to know more about nutrition, coaching, and mind-body wellness, see if IIN has a program for you!

With Rob’s code ECLxIIN, you’ll be able to access 25% off, and the next Health Coach Training Program cohort begins November 18th – in just a few weeks. I sincerely hope you’ll join me, and you can use me as an ‘Accountability Buddy’ when you do!

There’s never been a more urgent time to embark on your own change, as this world desperately needs more courageous people passionate about health and wellness, so that we can collectively improve planet and human health.


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Bio-individuality means there is a no one-size-fits-all diet, each person is a unique individual with highly individualized nutritional requirements.

Joshua Rosenthal, Founder of IIN

To a healing future,

— Rob