12/22/23: Banned pesticide return, night light, and a blind dog

Happy Friday my friend,

I’m taking the weekend off to spend time with family, and won’t be mailing our usual Monday Motivation newsletter on Christmas Day. Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate, and I’ll see you Wednesday! 🎄❤️

ECL TRIVIA: Which animal has the incredible ability to regenerate limbs, including its heart and even parts of its brain? (Answer below)

Health & Eco News – December 22nd, 2023

Planet Health

  • 🌲 FOREST LANDS: The White House suggested new steps to protect and restore old-growth forests across the US by proposing to amend all 128 forest land management plans for the first time. Boosting carbon sequestration and improving old-growth restoration, this move would update the Northwest Forest Plan, and targets 112M acres of mature and old-growth forests managed by federal agencies.

  • ♻️ NO MORE NYLON: Scientists have created a new catalyst that can break down nylon-6 plastic— a common and durable type used in seat belts, carpets, and more— into its original building blocks in just minutes. This could be a game-changer for recycling plastic waste and reducing pollution. The catalyst is effective and doesn't require harmful solvents, and would prevent this type of plastic from being burned or put in a landfill.

  • 🌊 WIND & WATER:This tiny island proves it's possible to operate on renewable energy. Wind and water power not only meet their needs, but fuels 28 days of complete energy independence. "Any profit made from using renewable energy sources is channeled back into creating more efficient water distribution systems, solar power panels, and educational programs."


Human Health

  • 🍎 GO ORGANIC IN 2024: Over half the apples in the U.S. were sprayed with chlorpyrifos, a pesticide considered too toxic for residential use. Now, after years of controversy and previous bans on the chemical, the EPA announced this week this neurotoxic pesticide can be sold by chemical companies again, despite known "irreversible harm to the developing brains of children, resulting in impairments like decreased IQ, autism, and hyperactivity." The 11 crops selected for Chlorpyrifos usage again are alfalfa, apple, asparagus, cherry, citrus, cotton, peach, soybean, strawberry, sugar beet, and wheat. It's a great time to prioritize buying organic for these crops in addition to the "dirty dozen."

  • 🌜CIRCADIAN RHYTHM STUDY: In a light exposure study of 86k participants, scientists discovered that "higher exposure to light at night was associated with increased odds of major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, PTSD, and psychosis." Conversely, "individuals who spend more time in daylight exhibit a lower risk of major depressive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), psychosis, and self-harm behavior." Proper exposure to daylight at the correct times could enhance mental health by addressing the crucial link between circadian rhythms and psychiatric disorders.

  • 🚭FRANCE'S SMOKING BAN: France is taking drastic steps to curb smoking, including raising cigarette prices, banning smoking in public spaces, and offering support to smokers who want to quit. Their goal is to make France tobacco-free by 2032. "Tobacco consumption is also the most significant cause of premature death in the European Union and kills around 700k people every year. Around half of smokers die prematurely, according to the EU."


I am always astonished by a forest. It makes me realize that the fantasy of nature is much larger than my own fantasy. I still have things to learn..

Gunter Grass

😖 Using nutrition for stress

I’ve gotten to know Dr. Uma Naidoo over the past few years, and she continues to inspire me.

She’s a Harvard-trained psychiatrist, as well as a Certified Nutrition Specialist who is trailblazing a path into a brand new field ofNutritional Psychiatry”.

Not only did she write one of my favorite books I read last year (“This Is Your Brain On Food”), but she’s helped people identify the profound connection between what we eat and how we feel mentally and emotionally.

Although that connection may seem obvious to some…the hard science and research behind it is an emerging concept in mainstream conventional medicine…

…and she is the absolute LEADER in this field bringing the research to back up the ancient and intuitive wisdoms.

She’s giving away her 5-day course for FREE right now:

  • Discover the key nutrients you need to support your mental health and how to ensure you are absorbing those nutrients

  • Learn how to stock your kitchen with anxiety-reducing foods

  • Explore your unique reactions to certain foods so you can make healthier swaps

  • Get a customized Calmness Plan, complete with shopping lists, meal planning, and recipe ideas

  • Learn about the connection between food and anxiety and how the foods you eat either promote or destroy your gut, brain, and immune system health

Go watch the 1-min quick video of her and decide if you’d like to get the rest of the course for no cost at all.

Animal Friendship

  • 🐕 DOG’S GUIDE DOG: Meet Willie, a dog who sadly needed both eyes removed after birth. He isn't inhibited, however. Willie plays fetch, goes on beach walks, and does everything other dogs do. Plus, he has his own guide dog: his owner's 7-year-old Australian shepherd "who welcomed Willie into the family with open paws!"

Nutrition 101

  • 🌰 MOLYBDENUM: A vital trace mineral, molybdenum acts as a cofactor for enzymes involved in detoxification, protein metabolism, and DNA synthesis. Found abundantly in lentils, beans, almonds, hazelnuts, and even organ meats like liver, this essential nutrient supports optimal bodily function.


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Do you hit the snooze button regularly?

🟨🟨🟨⬜️⬜️⬜️ Yes (33.3%)

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 No (66.7%)

Trivia Answer:

Answer: Starfish.

Masters of regrowth, they can rebuild lost limbs and even organs thanks to their decentralized nervous system and powerful stem cells.

To a healing future,


P.S. Grab the free 5-day course pass for Nutrition to Calm
Stress & Anxiety with Dr. Uma Naidoo. Discover what foods to eat – and to avoid – for your mental and emotional well-being. Watch the short video HERE.