11/3/23: Reduces Microplastics By 99.5%, And World's Smallest Owl

Happy Friday my friend,

Heard of pizzlies? How about grolar bears? I hadn’t either! But there have been recent sightings and it’s a little strange. Check it out here, and reply to let me know what you think of this anomaly.

ECL TRIVIA: What is the only mammal that can lay eggs? (Answer below)

Health & Eco News – November 3rd, 2023

Planet Health

  • 🏖️ CLEAN A BEACH: Norwegian researchers discovered a 99.5% reduction in microplastics "on land and in surrounding oceans" within "a year of beach cleanups removing bags, bottles, and other large plastic litter from the shore." They found that high levels of UV and warm temps in shallow shorelines can rapidly accelerate the degradation of plastics that haven't been cleaned up quickly, creating ongoing toxic seaside microplastic "leakage." 

  • 🌲 FOREST CONVERSION: More than 494k acres of palm oil producing plantations will be converted to forests, according to Indonesia's government. "As much as 20% of oil palms in Indonesia were grown illegally in protected forests and other conservation areas," says a 2021 report, and “over 25% of Indonesia's rainforests have been deforested and replaced with vast palm oil plantations,” according to the Ecosia Blog.

  • 🌟 A STAR IS BORN: Did you see this infrared imagery from NASA's James Webb telescope revealing star formations of a satellite galaxy to the Milky Way? "The research team looked for the reddest stars, and found 1k+ pinpoint sources of light, most of them young stars still embedded in their dusty cocoons,” NASA said, the emerging stars visually marked by "ethereal" blue dust tendrils and warm red emissions.


Human Health

  • 🚶 GET YOUR STEPS IN: In a leading global cardiovascular journal, scientists recently concluded 8k steps is the optimum number of walking “steps a day” to reduce the risk of premature death associated with risk of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease. "Researchers have also shown that the pace at which we walk has additional benefits, and that it is better to walk fast than slow," the article states. Data from over 110k participants and 12 studies was collected to arrive at this ideal number.

  • ♂ SPERM COUNTS: A new Swiss study— reportedly the largest cross-sectional study on this topic— reveals "frequent use of mobile phones is associated with a lower sperm concentration and total sperm count." According to the study, using a mobile phone often (>20 times/day) is linked to 21% lower sperm concentration than men who use a phone about once a week.

  • 🦠 GUT FLORA: One of the best ways to improve your gut microbiome is to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, confirms new research from the Graz University of Technology in Austria. The study author says "these findings may affect how fresh fruits and vegetables are grown and packaged in the future because intense agri- and horticulture is a strong driver of the environmental microbiome that influences human health, as well as planetary health," adding that "the storage and processing of food must also be critically reconsidered."

There is a serene and settled majesty to woodland scenery that enters into the soul and delights and elevates it, and fills it with noble inclinations.

Washington Irving

🌟 No cost probiotics

If you didn’t see the previous email, Earth Conscious Life readers can score a FREE bottle of the popular P3-OM probiotic from BiOptimizers.

No BS, this is the probiotic I take every single day. It’s been the only brand I’ve used for quite a long time.

The free bottle doesn’t require to buy anything else – just a small shipping fee.

**It reaches most countries around the world, but unfortunately not UK at this time!

P3-OM contains the L Plantarum strain, which is unique as a beneficial bacteria that is often found in kimchi, sauerkraut, and cultured vegetables (which you would otherwise have to eat pounds of to get the same amount present in a few capsules of P3-OM).

Get it here RIGHT NOW before this run out.

The right probiotic should do everything from:

  • Help synthesize B and K vitamins

  • Enhance digestion and nutrient absorption

  • Stop the growth of “bad bacteria” and other pathogens

  • Help metabolize other plant compounds/drugs

  • Produce short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs)

  • Produce immune system boosters

This is a full bottle free sample, and does NOT require you to get an ongoing future subscription or any other ‘bait and switch’.

Try it HERE while they’re offering this limited gift.

Creature Feature

  • WORLD'S SMALLEST OWL: Aptly named the Elf Owl, this itty bitty bird of prey weighs less than a golf ball. Adorably, the males make "puppy-like sounds" to mark their territory.


Nutrition 101

  • EUGENOL: Eugenol is a phenolic component derived from diverse herbal sources like clove oil, cinnamon, tulsi leaves, thyme, and nutmeg, and contains therapeutic potential against multiple ailments, functioning through antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, and antimicrobial properties. The most common method for the isolation of eugenol is steam distillation.

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Last poll’s results

Have you seen the film "Kiss The Ground"?

🟨🟨⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ Yes (29.9%)

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Not yet (70.1%)

Trivia Answer:

The platypus

Explanation: The platypus is the only mammal that can lay eggs. Platypus eggs are soft and leathery, and they are incubated by the female platypus in her burrow. Platypus hatchlings are blind and hairless, and they feed on their mother's milk.

Platypus from above. Photo by Michael Jerrard

To a healing future,


P.S. Last reminder here about a totally free bottle of my favorite probiotic. This is not offered to the general public. It’s exclusive for ECL readers.

Try it HERE and claim your full bottle.