5 Small Steps for Eco-Anxiety

5 Small Things You Can Do Every Day to Help the Environment (and Relieve Your Eco-Anxiety)

It's no secret that the world is in trouble. The Earth's temperature is rising at an alarming rate, which may have devastating effects. This news can cause feelings of anxiety about the state of the environment.

If you're experiencing eco-anxiety, you aren't alone. Many people are feeling worried and stressed about the state of the planet. Although some serious challenges lie ahead, there are also things you can do every day to help make a difference. Here are five small things you can do to help the environment — and relieve your eco-anxiety.

1. Buy Secondhand

People have become accustomed to the convenience of online shopping. With just a few clicks, you can have almost anything delivered to your doorsteps within days, if not hours. However, this ease of consumption comes at a high cost to the environment. Buying secondhand instead of new is one way to reduce your environmental impact. You avoid the ecological costs of production and shipping and keep products out of landfills.

2. Reduce Your Trash

Separate your trash into categories — trash, recycling, and compost. Making this small change can help reduce the amount of waste you send to the landfill. If you reduce, reuse, recycle, and rot your household waste, you may be surprised at how little trash you have. You can compost toilet paper rolls, cardboard, paper, and kitchen scraps, so before you throw something away, consider if it can be recycled.

3. Make Sustainable Swaps

Small changes in your everyday choices can significantly impact the environment. An estimated 8 million metric tons of plastic pollution enter the oceans every year — and it all starts with items such as toothpaste tubes and shampoo bottles.

Swapping out a few regular things for sustainable alternatives can help reduce plastic and waste pollution. For example, toothpaste tabs and shampoo bars are more sustainable alternatives to traditional products. Paper towels may be convenient, but reusable rags or paperless towels are better for the planet.

4. Get a Reusable Water Bottle

Making and disposing of plastic water bottles requires more than 1.5 million barrels of oil annually. If everyone in the country switched to reusable water bottles, it would save a lot of oil and reduce their carbon footprint. Bottled water is often nothing more than tap water, and it can be expensive to buy bottled water over time. A reusable water bottle is a small investment that pays off big in the long run.

For the most impactful reusable water bottle you can get, visit The One Movement to learn about their mission and how each bottle removes ocean plastic and helps build housing for those who need it most.

5. Start a Sustainable Business

If you own a company, you can reduce its environmental impact by taking steps to make it more climate-friendly. Create a process map to help you and your team create a timeline for making changes, map out the processes involved, and set goals for success.

Marketing your business on social media is another environmentally-friendly choice. You may wonder how to quickly resize and image for Instagram to follow its guidelines. Use an online resizing tool to upload, resize, and download your photos.

Make a Difference

If you want to help the environment and relieve your eco-anxiety, a few small changes can make a big difference. For more tips and advice on living a sustainable life, visit Earth Conscious Life.

Image via Pexels