8/21/24: 6 foods that look like your organs

Have you ever stopped to consider the uncanny resemblance some foods share with the very organs they benefit?

Happy Wednesday my friend,

Correction: the last newsletter had a bad link for the upcoming Healing Grief, Healing Trauma Summit. Grief and trauma are universal. It unites us as humans, and yet it can consume us or lead to further isolation, depression, or even shame. If you’re interested in powerful emotional healing tools, connecting with a supportive community, and gaining insights from leading experts in grief and trauma recovery, I highly recommend you check out this digital event


You Are Nature: A Look at Foods That Resemble the Body Parts They Nourish

Have you ever stopped to consider the uncanny resemblance some foods share with the very organs they benefit? It's almost as if nature itself is nudging us in the right direction.

From knobby walnuts mirroring our brain to the segmented kidney beans that echo our kidneys, these interesting parallels may serve as a little nod to remind us that we are, indeed, interwoven with all of nature.

So, the next time you're building your grocery list, consider incorporating these natural lookalikes to nourish your body:

  • Walnuts: These clever nuts resemble the intricate folds of the human brain, and for good reason! Walnuts are brimming with omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for cognitive function, memory, and may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

  • Kidney Beans: The kidney-shaped bean is a dead giveaway when it comes to its area of expertise. Kidney beans are a powerhouse of antioxidants and protein, both of which contribute to healthy kidney function.

  • Sweet Potatoes: With their elongated shape, sweet potatoes bear a resemblance to the pancreas. This vibrant orange root vegetable is packed with beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant that can help protect pancreatic cells and promote overall health.

  • Carrots: Nature's perfect eye candy, carrots boast a similar conical shape to our eyes. Slice a carrot and you’ll see! Carrots are rich in vitamin A, a nutrient well-known for supporting healthy vision, particularly night vision.

  • Tomatoes: A tomato's vibrant red color isn't the only thing reminiscent of the heart. This juicy fruit is a source of lycopene, an antioxidant that has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease.

  • Avocados: The bumpy, green avocado halves are undeniably reminiscent of a pregnant woman's uterus. Avocados are loaded with healthy fats, folic acid, and potassium, all essential nutrients for both prenatal and overall women's health.

What foods like this did I miss? *Reply directly to this email to let me know any other examples you can think of!

So, the next time you reach for one of these healthy snacks, take a moment to appreciate the fascinating ways nature guides us.

By incorporating these lookalikes into your diet, you can not just nourish your body, but appreciate your connection with the natural world at large. After all, You Are Nature.

This list is just a starting point; there are many other examples of nature's playful mimicry in the food world!

Embrace the fun of discovering these connections and letting them guide you towards a more mindful and delicious way of nourishing yourself. By doing so, you're not only honoring your health but also celebrating the beautiful interconnectedness of all living things.


You don't have to be a meditator to be mindful. You can practice mindfulness anytime.

Sharon Salzberg

🕯️ The fire element

Reconnecting with nature isn’t just finding the foods that look like organs.

Beyond food, I often refer to the elements as a guiding principle for finding health.

Candles can be an excellent way to reconnect with fire element consistently…as long as they aren’t poisoning you!

Wellness Candles are the cleanest burning candle I’ve ever found, and even purify the air (rather than leeching toxic paraffin, like most).

I personally toured the facility of the product and saw how top notch their operation is.

»Get Wellness Candles - the best ever (at 40% off using code ROB40).«

Each candle is pure beeswax and therapeutic grade essential oils (not carcinogenic perfumes like almost all other candles on the market), and adorned with a genuine gemstones and crystal infusion specifically selected for healing.

I am admittedly a candle snob, which means I am very aware of the harmful hidden ingredients in fragrances, I am not easily impressed by candles.

After trying out almost this entire line, I can honestly say it’s the most natural, health-optimized, and safest candle anywhere.

The premium packaging and box art looks, feels (and smells) luxurious! Use code ‘ROB40’ for a mega 40% off. This rate is NOT available anywhere else right now.

Stock up for the year – you won’t be disappointed. GET IT HERE.


To a healing future,

— Rob