Algae saves the day, African seed vault, SO many new species

Discovery on the island we looked at on our honeymoon!

Happy Friday my friend,

Look up tonight! Seven planets— Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune— will align in the sky in a way not visible again until 2040. Click HERE to learn when and how to see tonight’s rare planetary line-up.

ECL TRIVIA: What is the Great Green Wall initiative? (Answer below)


Earth Conscious News

February 28th, 2025

🌎 Planet Health

🐝 HONEYBEE VETERINARIAN: What if there was a way to give beekeepers a quick assessment of hive health? A new low-cost sensor system called the Electronic Bee-Veterinarian (EBV) can monitor honeybee colonies. This innovative tool developed at University of California Riverside uses heat sensors to predict temperature dangers within hives, alerting beekeepers to potential threats like extreme weather or disease. By providing early warnings, EBV may help reduce colony losses and avoid critical hive issues.

🐟 SALMON RESTORATION: Researchers are celebrating Chinook salmon returning to the North Yuba River in California for the first time in nearly a century thanks to a pilot program by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Salmon eggs were placed in the river to mimic natural spawning, and the young fish are now being spotted, to continue their migration to the ocean. This project aims to restore salmon runs and study how they adapt to the habitat, and you can read more about it here.

🌱 100K SEEDS OF HOPE: More than 100k African seeds from 177 species have recently been secured in the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, this fascinating icy fortress in Norway. The iconic baobab and nitrogen-fixing fast growing Faidherbia albida are safeguarded in the vault, to ensure scientists can preserve Africa's natural heritage in event of disaster.


🧑‍⚕️ Human Health

🧫 MICROALGAE MIRACLE: What’s teeny tiny, packed with protein, requires minimal resources to cultivate, and boasts tons of antioxidant and immune-boosting properties? Chlorella vulgaris, this tiny freshwater microalgae, is emerging as a potential game-changer in sustainable superfood nutrition. Scientists say this algae can offer benefits in medicine, including cholesterol reduction and neuroprotection, and environmental sustainability through carbon sequestration and wastewater purification.

🙅‍♂️ DITCH THE ASPARTAME: A new study found that artificial sweetener aspartame triggers insulin spikes, leading to the buildup of fatty plaques in arteries, a risk factor for heart attacks and strokes. Evaluation of intake comparable to a person drinking three cans of diet soda daily showed development of atherosclerotic plaques. “While [artificial sweeteners] are often marketed as a healthier alternative to sugar, their impact on insulin dynamics and inflammation suggests otherwise,” says Dr. Christopher Yi. Click here to read this important study and share it with friends who consumer diet drinks.

*🎶 Don’t forget to check out my music video “Don’t Need No Aspartame

👟 5-MIN TO HEALTH: Boosting blood flow to the brain, clearing out metabolic waste, and reducing inflammation makes a huge difference in preventing dementia, and can be accomplished through “low-dose exercise.” Did you know just five minutes of light exercise daily can significantly lower your risk of dementia? “Even small amounts are helpful,” says Dr. Marc Seigel at NYU. This is your sign to get up and move, dance, take a bike ride, or walk around the block! See the physical activity data and how it impacts dementia risk reduction here.


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Photo of the week

Me getting my negative ions, photo by: Riana Herring

We are nature. We are nature seeing nature. The red-winged blackbird flies in us.

Susan Griffin

😊 Conscious Corner - NEW SPECIES STORIES

Other earth-conscious stories you may have missed…

🐝 NEW BEE SPECIES: A previously unknown species of bee, Hylaeus paumako, has been discovered on Moloka‘i, highlighting the rich biodiversity of Hawaii (more).

🌾 GRASSHOPPER DISCOVERY: Scientists uncover 16 new grasshopper species in U.S. and Mexican deserts, showcasing the importance of conserving arid ecosystems (more).

🌻 WOOLY DEVIL PLANT: A new plant species and genus, nicknamed the "wooly devil," has been identified in Big Bend National Park, Texas (more).


Trivia Answer:

The Great Green Wall is an African-led movement to grow an 8,000km natural wonder across the entire width of Africa. Its goal is to restore degraded landscapes and transform millions of lives in the Sahel region.



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Visit this Italian farm which helps young people reconnect to nature

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