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- 🥂 Why New Year's Day is wrong
🥂 Why New Year's Day is wrong
And resolutions don't work
Happy 2025 my friend!
Does New Year’s Day Make Sense?
I’ve never been big on New Year’s resolutions…here’s why.
Have you ever wondered why October, with "Oct" meaning eight, is actually the 10th month of the year? Or why September, derived from "septem" (seven), is our 9th month? This peculiarity stems from ancient calendar adjustments, when January and February were added to the Roman calendar, shifting the original months.
Our current January 1st New Year celebration doesn't align with nature's rhythms.
Should New Year’s Be In Spring?
In previous eras of human existence, the new year often began in mid-March, coinciding with spring's renewal and rebirth. Spring Equinox is usually around March 19th or 20th (the day when night and light are equal in length). This timing made more sense, as it harmonized with the natural world's awakening (think flowers re-emerging from the soil).
**For my Southern Hemisphere readers, this would be Autumn Equinox for you. These original calendars were made by those in the North, and somewhere around 90% of the world’s population live in the Northern Hemisphere, so much of my ponderings are from this perspective – which happens to be about 95% of the Earth Conscious Life readers. With that said, here are some Autumn Equinox rituals that might be of interest when March rolls around.
I spend a lot of time reflecting and natural rhythms and how we are part of Mother Nature’s whole.
Interestingly, our current calendar doesn't perfectly match natural cycles, and may not be doing us any favors…
With 52 weeks in a year, we could have 13 months of 4 weeks each, aligning more closely with the 13 lunar cycles. The word "month" itself derives from "moon," which (if I ruled the world) should be a more common connection to how we measure time.
The pressure we put on ourselves to make significant life changes on January 1st may be misaligned with our biological needs.
Surprisingly to me, polling suggests that most people who make a resolution do stick to it to some degree. With fitness almost always topping the list of most common goals.
Winter is naturally a season for rest, reflection, and restoration. Instead of forcing ourselves into high-energy resolutions, we might benefit from embracing winter's introspective qualities.
As we enter the new year, it's important to remember that it's okay to celebrate January 1st while also acknowledging that energetically, we're still in a season of slowing down and grounding ourselves.
Rather than immediately launching into ambitious new goals, consider using this time for spiritual exploration and self-care.
Embrace practices that align with winter's energy:
Meditation: Cultivate inner stillness and clarity.
Journaling: Reflect on the past year and contemplate future aspirations.
Reading: Nourish your mind with new ideas and perspectives.
Sauna sessions: Detoxify and relax your body.
Self-reflection: Dive deep into understanding your values and desires.
It's perfectly acceptable to use this time to contemplate larger changes without immediately acting on them. Consider making plans to implement significant life shifts closer to spring, when nature's energy supports new beginnings.
TIP: Handwriting – as opposed to typing – these ideas, reflections, and dreams is more likely for your subconscious to take it seriously.
Remember, personal growth isn't confined to a specific date on the calendar. By aligning our actions with nature's rhythms, we may be able to create more sustainable and meaningful changes in our lives.
Use the winter months to nurture your inner world, laying a strong foundation for the active growth period that spring will bring.
As you navigate the new year, be gentle with yourself. Celebrate the turning of the calendar of course, but don't feel pressured to overhaul your life overnight. For me, January is a time for quiet contemplation and gradual preparation.
When spring arrives in March, you'll be well-rested, clear-minded, and ready to embrace new beginnings with renewed energy and purpose.
In essence, honor your natural rhythms and the wisdom of the seasons. By doing so, you'll set yourself up for more authentic and sustainable personal growth throughout the year.
Either way, Happy Calendar New Year, and here’s to a healthy 2025 for people and planet!

In 2025, reduce your risk of death by 40%
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Those who took a sauna 4-7X per week had a 40% reduction in death compared to the control group.
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As an Earth Conscious Life reader you can get a big 25% off sitewide.
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Experience the benefits of sauna therapy here. <<

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”

To a healing future,
— Rob
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