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- Lung Herbs
Lung Herbs
With health on our minds globally in a way like never before...and with the ongoing challenges of fire seasons and environmental pollution, I thought I would share this powerful herbal info.
My dear friend Sheela Mahdavi – a Nutritionist & Detoxification Specialist – recently pulled together some great info on lung and respiratory supporting herbs, and I had to share!
*This information is not personalized health advice and is not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent or cure any condition. It is presented for educational purposes only. As always, see a qualified healthcare provider before introducing any new medications, herbal remedies or supplements into your lifestyle.

Astragalus Root: Used to treat chronic lung deficiency, allergic asthma, and is known for its superiority in rebuilding depleted immune activity.
Elecampane Root: Antiseptic expectorant for bronchitis, pneumonia, and pertussis, or for a persistent ticklish cough with pain in the chest or ribs. Soothes irritated mucous membranes.
Eucalyptus (Not Pictured): *Not to be ingested. Oil of eucalyptus can be steamed and inhaled to relieve asthma and sinusitis. It also reduces and loosens mucus.
Horehound (Not Pictured): Best known as a lung herb, used as an expectorant and cough suppressant. Used for dry sticky mucus, spasmodic coughs and coughing caused by viral diseases.
Horseradish: A powerful bronchodilator, antibacterial, and respiratory antispasmodic. Can be used for sinus infection, asthma, wet coughs, pneumonia and post nasal drip.
Licorice Root: Suppresses dry, ticklish coughs such as smokers cough. It also has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties and heals mucus membrane tissue.
Lobelia: A strong antispasmodic for the lungs. It can be used effectively in combination with other herbs for spasmodic coughing (bronchitis, asthma, pertussis), muscle spasms, petit map epilepsy and angina pain.
Mullein: Used to expel sticky, hard-to-expectorate mucus and soothes mucus membranes. Typically combined with elecampane, yerba santa or horehound.
Osha Root: An antibacterial expectorant and bronchodilator useful for fever-free dry coughs or lung conditions. Osha root also has antihistamine activity which makes it useful for head colds and allergies.
Platycodon Root: One of the most important lung remedies in traditional Chinese medicine. Used for a wide variety of respiratory problems- asthma, bronchitis, laryngitis, spasmodic coughs and pneumonia.
Red Clover (Not Pictured): Used for dry, irritable coughs, moistens pulmonary tissue and reduces inflammation.
Thyme: Powerful antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal and antioxidant. Useful for lung congestion, respiratory tract infections, wet coughs, sinus congestion, pneumonia. cold and flu.
Yerba Santa: Used for wet coughs and lung conditions with excess mucus such as damp asthma, damp bronchitis, and damp pneumonia.
These days we can all empower ourselves by creating the opportunity to learn about true health resilience. I hope you find that one important modality you can look to as an option is herbalism.